Thursday, November 11, 2010

Change is in the Air

Changes are coming to the Rabbits' Nest! ( For those of you wondering, we really do call our home that) But we are an adventuresome lot, so I know we can handle these things.

Firstly, Rabbit has decided to become a member of the US military. Wow, big one, huh? He spoke with a recruiter from the Marine Corps yesterday and was very excited and enthusiastic about this branch. I have a feeling that this is where he'll finally land after he finishes gathering info. Hopefully tomorrow, he can get into a meeting with the Army recruiter to find out what they have to offer. (Also on his list is the Air Force. My brother-in-law, Jeremiah, is an airman currently serving in Okinawa. My mother-in-law served as well, and Rabbit would be remiss in not researching this option before he makes his choice.)

I'm proud of my man. He did very well on his preliminary testing and if he does that well at MEPS, he could do any job. But I'm proud for a lot more than that.

At 23 years old, he's been through more than many others his age. He has a two-year degree, which he earned while working full-time at Babies'R'Us. Early in life, he learned to save his money and not waste it, which really helped us when we married. With a child on the way, and me going to school at Carolina, (and an apartment with rent at over $700 a month) we lived on those savings plus his earnings. He was a natural at being a daddy when our son Malachi was born, and a stronghold for our family when Malachi died. He read scripture at M's funeral, even when I couldn't bear to speak. He held me and we cried together as we picked our baby's burial plot. The day we found out our second child would be a girl, I'll never forget. His face was radiant, even though I know he was hoping for another son. The way he holds Naomi is as tender and as fierce as his love for her. Goodness oozes from this man, and I am so proud, military dreams aside.

Do I think he can do this? Absolutely. Do I think it'll be hard? Absolutely. Worth it? Absolutely.

It's sad that I don't take as much time as I should to reflect on the sacrifices thousands of men and women have made for their country and fellow citizens. For the families of those killed during their service, I'm sure a few federal holidays a year just aren't enough. Everyday, I carry Malachi, and the memories, the pain, the joy, of his life in my heart... I swell with pride for him and all that he was. I don't just remember him on his birthday and deathday, or only at the holidays. I don't expect everyone to remember him every day and mention it, but more than three times a year would be nice. I know the correlation here is a stretch, but it's how I wrap my mind around it all. Remembering, and being thankful, is good for all of us.

Alas, I'm tired of typing, so I'll cut this post off for the day. No good chat is complete without some nibbles, though, so I leave you with a recipe.

Crock Pot Beef Stew
1lb stew beef
1qt chicken broth (the low sodium kind)
1qt water
1 28-oz can diced tomatoes
1 can diced potatoes
1 can sliced carrots
anything else you like (we usually throw in a handful of lentils or barley to jazz it up)

Combine all ingredients in crock pot set to low (it will look pretty full, but will cook down) for 8-12 hours. We start it before work and by the time we're home and ready for dinner, it's perfect. Season with salt and pepper.
Happy Thursday everyone!

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